Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Quick Lesson in Numerology

Before continuing through the rest of the Tarot, let me explain what is meant by the numbers on the cards, their significance.

The first basic rule of numerology to remember is that all numbers will be consolidated down to the numbers between 1 and 9.  So if a card is keyed with the number 21, you add the 2 + 1 to get 3.  Now, here's a brief lesson on the meanings of the numbers 1 through 9.

One-    Represents a beginning, action, independence, creativity, possibilities.
(Think of the Fool in the tarot deck)

Two- Duality and balance.  Harmony and intuition.

Three- The Trinity; Subconscious, mind and imagination, creation.

Four- Order, logic, practicality, loyal, steadfast, responsible.

Five- Change, exploration, freedom, knowledge-seeker, imagination, playful and child-like.

Six- Harmony, love, healing, order, duty.

Seven- Philosopher, deep thinker, stoic, introspective, esoteric.

Eight- Abundance, acheivement, success, authority, grandeur, material manifestation.

Nine- Completion, endings, selfless, romantic, loving, idealistic.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Learning Tarot- The World (LAST OF THE MAJOR ARCANA)

Allister Crowley Thoth Tarot
Key 21
Numerology 21

You're ready to understand why you're here and what you've accomplished, you've successfully completed one cycle in your life, moving from the Fool to here, completion. You've obtaied a great understandig of all of the lessons you've been through.

Reversed, you have a lack of vision and/or you are not learning from your past or the lessons you're supposed to be learning in order to progress and move forward in life.  Reversed, your journey is postponed until you put forth more work to get where you need to be.

Learning Tarot- Judgement

Arto Tarot
Key 20
Numerology 20

The Judgement card signifies one big, giant cosmic wake up call!  This card indicates self-actualization, work well done, tasks well completed.  It indicates a desire for something better, something on a higher plane. Finally, you've mastered a skill you've worked hard to hone and are more enlightened for it.

Reversed, the Judgement card indicates you're denying the inevitable, that giant trumpet in your ear. Here is where the card is a wake-up call to get with it, re-examine your life and be pro-active! Most of all, stop and LISTEN before acting.

Learning Tarot- The Sun

Mystic Dreamer Tarot
Key 19
Numerology 19

The Sun card indicates contentment, peacefulness, and joyous unions.  Look for success in all you touch, the "Midas Touch", and realize happiness will be within as well as on the outside.

Reversed, the Sun indicates a rocky path, you feel dissatisfied with your mastery of tasks. Seek optimism and counsel to set things right-side up again.

Learning Tarot- The Moon

The Legacy of the Divine Tarot
Key 18
Numerology 18

The Moon card can be a warning of unforseen events ahead.  It can represent disagreements and emotional outbursts, fallings out with those you love and care for.  You may have the sense somethig BIG is coming. It also, obviously, indicates things that happen at night.

Reversed, the Moon card allows all truths to surface, be they good or bad.  People will be point-blank and honest with how they feel about you but won't throw in extra emotions or theatrical displays. Think blunt and to the point.  It is assurance that love and understanding will succeed in the end, misunderstandings will be brought to light and cleared up.

Learning Tarot- The Star

Cruel Thing Tarot
Key 17
Numerology 17

The Star card brings hope and faith and assures us that these attributes are always present, even when we can't see them, just like the stars. It represents that anything can come to fruition, any wish, any hope, any dream, can manifest through the power of your wishes and desires.

Reversed, the stars are falling out of the heavens to the ground. It can bring a sense that nothing will ever change and things are permanently fated to be bad.  This is the time to ask for help from others, read, meditate, and refocus on your goals and how to obtain them. Don't be defeated.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Learning Tarot- The Tower

Italian Tarot
The Tower
Key 16
Numerology 16

Represents the unexpected events of life that turns you on your head.  These events can change your perception of things.  It can be the forecast of bad changes or positive, but always represents upheaval.

Reversed, the Tower shows not all is lost, that there may be a new start soon, an end to the chaos and disruption that has been a part of your life.

Learning Tarot- The Devil

Key 15
Numerology 15

This card shows us the dark side of human nature, controlling others for one's own benefit, a possessive nature.  Also, this card conjures images of addictions, the chains that can bind us.

Reversed, the Devil allows you to embrace your future untethered, you have freed yourself of your own self-imposed restrictions.

Learning Tarot- Temperance

Tarot of Dreams
Key 14
Numerology 14

The Temperance card indicates self-control, a person who can manage people well, and in general, lives harmoniously.  Make sure to have patience with others and work with the flow that's going, not go against it.

Reversed, Temperance shows intolerance and impatience with others.  Also, it can indicate a lack of good, steady judgement.

Learning Tarot- Death

Aercheon Tarot
Key 13
Numerology 13

This card represents closure of the old with the new to come soon.  The card signifies transformation, a possible total change, and renewal.  The Death card reminds us that things change and that change is natural and necessary as a part of the cycle of life but requires major transformation.

Reversed, the card is indicative of stagnation, stalemates, upheaval, complications, road blocks.  This means the future is delayed because you're not moving forward. A new direction and start is coming.

Learning Tarot- The Hanged Man

World Spirit Tarot
Key 12
Numerology 12

The Hanged Man represents a desire to find peace on all levels: spiritual, physical, karmic, emotional.  The Hanged Man can represent surrender in order to find enlightenment but can also mean a person tolerant of other's views.  This card means it's time to move on and let go of the past.

Reversed, the Hanged Man wants to change, but he clings to the past.  He is delaying himself and he needs to remember it's okay to let go.

Learning Tarot- Justice

Victorian Romantic Tarot
Key 11
Numerology 11

This card represents a need for maintaining balance and order.  Open-mindedness is present here with fair decisions, satisfactory to all parties involved.

Reversed, Justice can represents ill thought out decisions, unfair outcomes, and no matter what, things will seem unfair because they'll be unequal.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Learning Tarot- Wheel of Fortune

Pen Tarot
Key 10
Numerology 10

The Wheel of Fortune represents the ups and downs, the ebbs and flows of life.  This card indicates entering a lucky period of your life, one that is full of rewards to reap. You're down-right lucky now.

Reversed, things are falling out of place, like your luck.  Slow down your pace and realize that ebb and flow contains good and bad.

Learning Tarot- The Hermit

Tarot de Marseilles
Key 9
Numerology 9

The Hermit is wizened and content with the knowledge he has obtained.  He stands alone, holding Truth, he's the Fool, but older, wiser.  He's alone but not lonely. He has completed his journey and learned what he needs to.

Reversed, wisdom has been disregarded, history can repeat itself, and if you're not careful, you're going to relive the mistakes of your past.

Learning Tarot- Strength

Tarot of Dreams
Key 8
Numerology 8

The Strength card represents precisely what it says and depicts.  It is about taming  and overcoming one's fears. The card indicates unconditional love and courage spiritually.  We can tame the unknown.

Reversesd, the lion is in control, we are not.  Becareful that chaos doesn't take over because you feel overwhelmed with fear. Don't stray from the path, don't allow yourself to be confused, stay strong.

Learning Tarot- The Chariot

Touchstone Tarot
Key 7

The Chariot represents dedicating oneself to a goal or task and charging, "full speed ahead."  It indicates success and victory, obtained through hard work and dilligence.  Perseverance is the key and the charioteer has it.

Reversed, focus can't be maintained, neither can pace.  It can represent poor health, too.  Though you want to change, too much overwhelms you at the present time.  Rest is needed to carry on.

Learning Tarot- The Lovers

Victorian Romantic Tarot
Key 6
Numerology 6

The Lovers represent a couple who wish for a responsible relationship, where the desire to relate personally is strong.  This card is about making choices in romance/love and this card always indicates the possibility of a new love or relationship, a new romantic beginning.  Aside from romance, the card signifies unity with those around you. 

Reversed, the couple is divided, there are obstacles to overcome.  It can indicate indecision or that you are soon to make an unfulfilling choice.  You must learn to make the right choices for right where you are now.   It can signify the end or delays in a relationship as well.

Learning Tarot- The Hierophant

Bohemian Gothic Tarot
Key 5
Numerology 5

Represents changing your life through ritual or tradition.  Think of the Hierophant as you would the Pope, a very official position.  He is an educator, a teacher and teaches one common philosophy and language so that we may all be enlightened.   The main idea of this card is to unite nthe masses through one means, be it language, religion, or even denomination of money (think of Europe's attempts at the euro.)

Reversed, the Hierophant represents unorthodox ideas, a nonconformist, and rebel.  Expect nontraditional circumstances when this card appears reversed.  It can be a sign that you have an unconventional approach to ways of life.

Learning Tarot- The Emperor

Victorian Romantic Tarot
Key: 4
Numerology: 4

The Emperor is a leader, the yang to the yin of the Empress.  He represents strategic planning and logic, think of the Greek god Zeus.  He is solid, logical, and concrete.  Notice that the Emperor wears emblems of war: a ram's head and the planet Mars and holds an ankh (Egyptian) in his right hand the globe of dominion in his left.  He embodies absolute power and authority, strength and determination. When he shows up, you're going to be honing your leadership skills.

Reversed, the Emperor can no longer hold his place of power as he slips from his throne.  He is much more guarded and careful, suspicious. This can show a person immature with leadership or not polished when dealing with those in power because they fear losing power themselves.   Reversed, it is a caution to step carefully before proceeding.