Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Do Your Expectations Set You Up for Failure?

As we age, we become (hopefully) more self-aware. This includes awareness of ourselves and others. We learn what we like in a person and what we cannot stand.  We learn that the person that chews with their mouth wide open on the first date just will not lead to a second date. But do we set our expectations so high, so out of reach, so beyond reality, that we doom ourselves to failure?

Sometimes we may need to evaluate that question and find out if it is part of the problem in why we remain single.  This is not the equivelant to settling. It is looking realistically at where we are in our own lives and what we therefore can expect from and in others.  Do not lessen your standards, but write them down and size them up with the chance of reality, with the chance of you actualizing them. Perhaps instead of lessening our standards, we simply need to readjust them,

Be mindfull to have a list of what is acceptable and what is not, ie: rude behavior is not okay, good manners are, but also be aware of the limits you place on who you could meet the longer your list of "must haves" is.

Placing Limits on Your Happiness

Everyday I encounter individuals who tell me they can never be happy unless they have a, b, c, and d in their lives. It is my goal to explain that one first has to find happiness with one's self and that a, b, c, and d are merely enhancements to the happiness one already has.

If you keep telling yourself you will not be happy until you reach a certain weight, obtain a certain job, find the "perfect match", you are placing limits on your happiness and it is little wonder you are not happy or content with your life. Now, discontent can serve its' purpose, as a catalyst to take decisive, positive action that leads to one obtaining what they want in their lives. But all too often, the reverse is true and there is an unhealthy fixation on what one has to have to be happy. With that mindset, it is not likely you will be happy, no matter what comes into your life, nor that you will even recognize the gifts you've wanted when they present themselves to you.

Do not put conditions on your happiness. Rather, focus on ways to bring more happiness into your life.

Name Change

Hi Readers!

While I'm still Judith Kreindel (Universe didn't change me overnight LOL), I have chosen a new name on LivePerson and you may see it here too. The new name is "The Lady of the Mists" and I can be found here:

I was just feeling the need for a real shake-up change. I hope it rings as spiritually true with you as it does with me.

God/Goddess Bless!


Mindfullness is a state of being where  you are acutely aware of all that happens to you, each experience, as well as those around you. Practicing mindfulness is quite simple and can improve your life, your inner peace, and your relationships with others. (Relationships meaning connections with others, be they lovers or co-workers or acquaintances.)

Living with a spirit of mindfulness means you do take time to breathe through your nose and exhale through your mouth. You take in all of that which is around you and with this breathing, you are able to shut out the negative energy that may be present, may have hijacked your mood, and may be affecting you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

See, with a mindful approach to life, you do not block out the negative, you learn a new way to approach it. You learn how to approach those around you to lessen conflict and tension and build bridges for healthy, conducive exchanges. In doing so, you pass some of this mindfulness on to the other who notices your behavior, and in doing so, you have given them a gift.

Try living mindfully today, aware of sights, sounds, smells, textures, people, and places around you. It will lighten your load of stress and it will help those around you "suddenly" calm down also.