Sunday, April 25, 2010

Dr. Seuess Had It Right....

My youngest child is fascinated by the book, Oh! The Places You'll Go! and in this book, so much wisdom can be found, especially for those of you who are in what Dr. Seuess calls, The Waiting Place. Granted, it is not a fun place to be, I do not know of many who like to be there, and waiting out The Waiting Place can take anywhere from a few hours to a few years. Yes, years. Sometimes things take years to get them where you want them to be. Two key things The Waiting Place always requires are patience and a willingness to focus and work on other things (or sometimes that particular goal) while you are there. Remember, even if you are not working on the specific thing you are caught up in The Waiting Place for, there is always something you can be doing to enrich, improve, to better your life be it financially, emotionally, or spiritually. 

I am often met by clients who are frustrated that their desires/issues cannot or will not be fixed in a short period of time, usually meaning a few days.  First, remember that most situations or issues did not develop in a few days (even if they were suddenly sprung upon you) and rarely can they be fixed in that amount of time. Do not be unrealistic about how long it takes to resolve a matter. Also, do not invest fruitless effort(s) into things/people/places that are not healthy for you. While in that place of waiting, evaluate, truly evaluate, from a removed perspective, the usefulness of that thing or person you are waiting on and be honest with yourself: is it worth the waiting, the time invest by you, the investment of effort by you?  The most essential lessons you can take from this are, one: psychics are not the answer to all your problems. Visiting us does not mean your problems will be solved and certainly not instantly.  We simply offer you a view of the future based on a snippet you give us. Secondly, there are times you will be in The Waiting Place. Accept that in this "on demand world", "waiting is something you'll do quite a lot" (Dr. Seuss, Oh The Places You'll Go)