Saturday, June 12, 2010

Learning Tarot- Wheel of Fortune

Pen Tarot
Key 10
Numerology 10

The Wheel of Fortune represents the ups and downs, the ebbs and flows of life.  This card indicates entering a lucky period of your life, one that is full of rewards to reap. You're down-right lucky now.

Reversed, things are falling out of place, like your luck.  Slow down your pace and realize that ebb and flow contains good and bad.

Learning Tarot- The Hermit

Tarot de Marseilles
Key 9
Numerology 9

The Hermit is wizened and content with the knowledge he has obtained.  He stands alone, holding Truth, he's the Fool, but older, wiser.  He's alone but not lonely. He has completed his journey and learned what he needs to.

Reversed, wisdom has been disregarded, history can repeat itself, and if you're not careful, you're going to relive the mistakes of your past.

Learning Tarot- Strength

Tarot of Dreams
Key 8
Numerology 8

The Strength card represents precisely what it says and depicts.  It is about taming  and overcoming one's fears. The card indicates unconditional love and courage spiritually.  We can tame the unknown.

Reversesd, the lion is in control, we are not.  Becareful that chaos doesn't take over because you feel overwhelmed with fear. Don't stray from the path, don't allow yourself to be confused, stay strong.

Learning Tarot- The Chariot

Touchstone Tarot
Key 7

The Chariot represents dedicating oneself to a goal or task and charging, "full speed ahead."  It indicates success and victory, obtained through hard work and dilligence.  Perseverance is the key and the charioteer has it.

Reversed, focus can't be maintained, neither can pace.  It can represent poor health, too.  Though you want to change, too much overwhelms you at the present time.  Rest is needed to carry on.

Learning Tarot- The Lovers

Victorian Romantic Tarot
Key 6
Numerology 6

The Lovers represent a couple who wish for a responsible relationship, where the desire to relate personally is strong.  This card is about making choices in romance/love and this card always indicates the possibility of a new love or relationship, a new romantic beginning.  Aside from romance, the card signifies unity with those around you. 

Reversed, the couple is divided, there are obstacles to overcome.  It can indicate indecision or that you are soon to make an unfulfilling choice.  You must learn to make the right choices for right where you are now.   It can signify the end or delays in a relationship as well.

Learning Tarot- The Hierophant

Bohemian Gothic Tarot
Key 5
Numerology 5

Represents changing your life through ritual or tradition.  Think of the Hierophant as you would the Pope, a very official position.  He is an educator, a teacher and teaches one common philosophy and language so that we may all be enlightened.   The main idea of this card is to unite nthe masses through one means, be it language, religion, or even denomination of money (think of Europe's attempts at the euro.)

Reversed, the Hierophant represents unorthodox ideas, a nonconformist, and rebel.  Expect nontraditional circumstances when this card appears reversed.  It can be a sign that you have an unconventional approach to ways of life.

Learning Tarot- The Emperor

Victorian Romantic Tarot
Key: 4
Numerology: 4

The Emperor is a leader, the yang to the yin of the Empress.  He represents strategic planning and logic, think of the Greek god Zeus.  He is solid, logical, and concrete.  Notice that the Emperor wears emblems of war: a ram's head and the planet Mars and holds an ankh (Egyptian) in his right hand the globe of dominion in his left.  He embodies absolute power and authority, strength and determination. When he shows up, you're going to be honing your leadership skills.

Reversed, the Emperor can no longer hold his place of power as he slips from his throne.  He is much more guarded and careful, suspicious. This can show a person immature with leadership or not polished when dealing with those in power because they fear losing power themselves.   Reversed, it is a caution to step carefully before proceeding.