If you are looking for Mr. Right, your perfect man, the "dream life", STOP. You are wasting precious time and resources on something that will not be. There are no real life Prince Charmings because just like you, the man you want to meet has faults. Life is not a Hollywood script, so do not discount an otherwise good person based on the fact they do not say the perfect thing at the perfect time. This is not Jerry Maguire, this is real life. Often times we remain single because our list of expectations becomes longer and longer as we age (and in some respects, it should) and because we begin to shrink our social circle. UPS will not deliver Mr. Right to your door via FedEx by 10:30am, you have to get out there. And if you want to find like-minded people, you need to join in activities and social circles where you're likely to find that.
If you are in a relationship or in the blossoming phases of one and experiencing "difficulties" such as a sudden withdrawal by the other person, do not always jump to the conclusion that it is because of you. Even if you are the center of someone's universe, they do have other responsibilities, other things that weigh on them. It may be the simple fact they're the type that needs time to themselves. It may be that you are expecting things to move along at freight train speed when the relationship wants to take a different pace, a pace of its' own. Do not always assume relationship problems are because of you, remember, there's not only another person in this relationship, there's also other people in the world.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Hollywood and Story Books Lied- Why Am I Single?
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 4/26/2010 07:02:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Dr. Seuess Had It Right....
My youngest child is fascinated by the book, Oh! The Places You'll Go! and in this book, so much wisdom can be found, especially for those of you who are in what Dr. Seuess calls, The Waiting Place. Granted, it is not a fun place to be, I do not know of many who like to be there, and waiting out The Waiting Place can take anywhere from a few hours to a few years. Yes, years. Sometimes things take years to get them where you want them to be. Two key things The Waiting Place always requires are patience and a willingness to focus and work on other things (or sometimes that particular goal) while you are there. Remember, even if you are not working on the specific thing you are caught up in The Waiting Place for, there is always something you can be doing to enrich, improve, to better your life be it financially, emotionally, or spiritually.
I am often met by clients who are frustrated that their desires/issues cannot or will not be fixed in a short period of time, usually meaning a few days. First, remember that most situations or issues did not develop in a few days (even if they were suddenly sprung upon you) and rarely can they be fixed in that amount of time. Do not be unrealistic about how long it takes to resolve a matter. Also, do not invest fruitless effort(s) into things/people/places that are not healthy for you. While in that place of waiting, evaluate, truly evaluate, from a removed perspective, the usefulness of that thing or person you are waiting on and be honest with yourself: is it worth the waiting, the time invest by you, the investment of effort by you? The most essential lessons you can take from this are, one: psychics are not the answer to all your problems. Visiting us does not mean your problems will be solved and certainly not instantly. We simply offer you a view of the future based on a snippet you give us. Secondly, there are times you will be in The Waiting Place. Accept that in this "on demand world", "waiting is something you'll do quite a lot" (Dr. Seuss, Oh The Places You'll Go)
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 4/25/2010 08:22:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Being the "other" Person
Being in a proverbial "love triangle" is a complicated situation. There are many reasons people cheat and choose to cheat with people they know are married. Those reasons can range from lust to feeling a true connection with that person. However, all too often, the "third wheel" is left waiting, hoping, clinging to the "some day" that will never come.
After doing some reading on this subject from some wise people, I have come to conclude the "why" of a person choosing someone already taken. I proffer that it is usually because a) they either lack self-esteem and feel this is more of a "safe relationship" (if you can call it a relationship) or b) they are actually afraid of a real relationship, real committment, their real dream, even though they will tell you they want the whole nine yards: marriage, bliss, sometimes kids, the perfect home, with the perfect man.
Without judging why people cheat on their spouses, for one, the person is not so perfect if they are inclined to cheat. Secondly, with rare exception, you can bet if this person ever left their spouse for you, they would still have roaming, wondering eye. Which leads me to the most important piece of this article, the waiting game. Promises of leaving, plans made, the third person believes it is all hammered out. The other spouse is a shrew or horrible man, the divorce papers are pending and/or signed, all that is left is for things to be finalized.
The problem is days stretch into weeks, weeks stretch into months, and months stretch into years and yet you still hold onto the illusion of being with this "perfect" person. Now, having read all of this, step back, examine this person. Are they really so perfect? Are they really for you? What about the time you could have been open to someone kind, loving, caring, reading for a serious committment that was available to be yours.
Consider also the collateral fallout. What about the spouse, that husband or wife who is being betrayed, being cheated on. Are they really as bad as the person paints them to be? Even if you have witnessed them in action, you have only glimpsed a small part of who they are. Do you really think it likely the cheating spouse is going to say, "Oh yes, my spouse is the perfect person! That's why I'm here with you. What about children, relatives, jobs, homes and mortgages, debts, all of these things that you turn butt over tea kettle by being the "other person".
Bottom line, until that spouse is free, they are not yours to have and the real truth behind being the third person is this: You are likely to always to be second fiddle, you have no right to expect to be first. That means you have no right to be angry over missed "dates", phone calls, unreturned texts, e-mails, etc because you are just that, no matter what they say, you are second fiddle and their spouse, children, families, jobs, etc are all before you.
If you want a real relationship, stop chasing the gold at the end of the rainbow, those leprauchons are sneaky buggers. If you are afraid to be truly available, to be in a real relationship, carry on, but remember the very real possible consequences for some people whom you have probably never met. Evaluate your station in this person's life. Honest step back and evaluate the chances of you ever becoming that person's spouse. Then ask yourself, "Knowing what I know, would I really want to be their spouse?" If you ever did become their spouse, think of the train wreck of baggage from what you helped destroy you would be carrying along with you.
If you are the third person, this is not meant to guilt you. It is meant to cause you to stop and think. What is the reality of the situation? Helen Keller once said, People do not like to think. If one thinks, one must reach conclusions. Conclusions are not always pleasant. When you stop and truly step back and examine your situation, what real conclusions do you draw?
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 4/17/2010 08:19:00 AM 0 comments