Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Placing Limits on Your Happiness

Everyday I encounter individuals who tell me they can never be happy unless they have a, b, c, and d in their lives. It is my goal to explain that one first has to find happiness with one's self and that a, b, c, and d are merely enhancements to the happiness one already has.

If you keep telling yourself you will not be happy until you reach a certain weight, obtain a certain job, find the "perfect match", you are placing limits on your happiness and it is little wonder you are not happy or content with your life. Now, discontent can serve its' purpose, as a catalyst to take decisive, positive action that leads to one obtaining what they want in their lives. But all too often, the reverse is true and there is an unhealthy fixation on what one has to have to be happy. With that mindset, it is not likely you will be happy, no matter what comes into your life, nor that you will even recognize the gifts you've wanted when they present themselves to you.

Do not put conditions on your happiness. Rather, focus on ways to bring more happiness into your life.