Sunday, September 20, 2009

Whoa! September 2009, what a month!

Wow! What a month this has been and contiues to be! There is a reason for this, the planets are all astir and Mercury is in retrograde again! Mercury, the "red planet" and planet of high emotions (think mercurial, which means that a person has rapid changes in mood), is again wreaking havoc in every single sign of the zodiac, though some more than others (Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, and Sagitaruis will be most affected by a retrograde Mercury, these are known as the "mutable signs"). For all signs, this is a month to watch and wait, not embark on new ventures or initiate new projects or ideas. Mid-month, all the planets are arguing with one another, it's a giant bickering fest! This does pass as the month ends and October transitions into a more peaceful month.

Hang on for just a few more days, the clouds are parting and the sun is returning!

** "Mercury in retrograde" refers to Mercury appearing to be spinning in a backward direction in the night sky. The planet Mercury rules communications, contracts, and travel. It is best to finish up all projects involving the afore mentioned before a retrograde in Mercury begins.