Sunday, November 7, 2010
Learning Tarot- Minor Arcana
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 11/07/2010 10:04:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Ace of Pentacles, Deviant Moon Tarot, Suit of Pentacles
Understanding Karma
"Karma" is a Buddhist tenant regarding the law of moral causation. The term is often used today without real knowledge of what karma is or where the belief stems from. Buddhanet explains, Usually, men of ordinary intellect cannot comprehend the actual reason or reasons (for Karma). According to Buddhism, this inequality is due not only to heredity, environment, "nature and nurture", but also to Karma. In other words, it is the result of our own past actions and our own present doings. We ourselves are responsible for our own happiness and misery. We create our own Heaven. We create our own Hell. We are the architects of our own fate.
Part of the concept of Karma is very obvious to me, it is a simple scientific law of cause and effect. If you touch a hot stove, you will be burned. If you speed often enough, you're bound to get caught. Part of it though, eluded me until I remembered the passage from my own Southern Baptist upbrining. All religions teach about Karma, they just have different names for it. The Bible refers to it in Jeremiah 14:20 but calls it "sins of the forefathers" having impact on our present lives.
It is important to note the the Buddha did not assign everything that happens to us as a result of Karma. For example, the family who is killed by a drunk driver isn't killed as a result of their own Karma being manifested. The person who is abused did nothing to warrant the abuse, that is not their own Karma being manifested. Remember that the Buddha allowed room for free will, whether it be good or bad, and did not espouse that pre-destination is the all to end all.
Quite simply, you reap what you sow (Galations 6).
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 11/07/2010 09:18:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Buddha, forefathers, karma, law of return, reap, sin
Saturday, November 6, 2010
In Love with love
You know the drill. You do the looking, the body language that says you're interested, you even do the pursuing and chasing. That person is so aloof! What is it about them that intrigues you so? Is it having what seems out of reach? Perhaps. Then, you end up in a "relationship" with this person only to find that they are just as much of a self-centered jerk as you thought they were when you were chasing after them.
How can this be? You were so certain it was just a "game", just a "show" they put forth to seem aloof, uninterested, and indifferent. In this psuedo-relationship, your thoughts, concerns, wants, and needs come dead last. Even the pet goldfish is tossed more attention than you. That's okay, they're just scared of really committing, right? They have a busy schedule and multiple obligations, it's only temporary (and sometimes, yes, it is). Soon, they will step up and be the person you've never seen them to be. You're just sure of it! Faith can't fail you now, right?
The honest truth is that past behaviors are the best indicators of future behaviors. Yes, people go through times where they act un-like themselves. Yes, people even change. By and large, this is not the case and people are highly unlikely to change for you or because of you. When you see someone for what they are, don't be shocked when you get into a "relationship" and they are the same way. You saw it coming from a mile away. Don't couch it as, "if they loved me enough, they'd change!". First, that's egotistical and self-centered on your part. Second, it's not a matter of loving or not loving you, it's a matter of personal decisions and likely long, ingrained behaviors. Saying that sounds like something a girl in junior high would say. Let's assume we're all mature adults here and start taking personal responsibility for our lack of sound jugments.
You can't love someone into changing, you can't will someone into changing. You can't just hold out a hundred more years knowing they're going to change. Yes, you can be forgiving, understanding, and non-self-serving. You shouldn't be a doormat, you should be more than just an option. You should not be considered only when you're convenient, that isn't love. So why do you keep going after these people?
It's really quite simple when you boil it down to the bare bones. It's because you're in love with the idea of being in love. You want a "soul mate" because you've been taught you're not a whole person without one. (Really? This whole life you've managed without your "other half", you can't continue to or the earth will stop spinning and life as you know it will end? How repressive and masochist.) You need someone to love you, to support you, because for some reason, loving and supporting yourself isn't good enough. Life can't be happy without that special someone, a special someone will make you sooo happy! Yes, having a good partner can enhance aspects of life but it is no one's job on this earth to make you happy so stop saddling people with that role. It is selfish and unfair.
Romanticizing love and relationships will get you to one place: disappontment.
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 11/06/2010 06:18:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Ghosts and Entities
If you've seen the movie, Fragile, you'll hear a theory about ghosts that has long rang true with me. The movie explains that ghosts stay near what they love, it doesn't have to be where they lived or who they lived around, though it can be. A ghost may take up residence because a place reminds them of a place they loved in life. They may stay near a person because that person resembles or represents what they loved in life. Say a person loved children in life. Perhaps they will take up residence in an nursery and be near that child until they grow up. Perhaps they loved gardens and will make their home in your beautiful garden.
If you believe a ghost may be near you or in a place you frequent, check out the banner on this blog to your right. Post your question there along with a picture of the person or place you're inquiring about. You'll receive 100% free, no strings attached, readings.
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 10/12/2010 12:41:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Quick Lesson in Numerology
Before continuing through the rest of the Tarot, let me explain what is meant by the numbers on the cards, their significance.
The first basic rule of numerology to remember is that all numbers will be consolidated down to the numbers between 1 and 9. So if a card is keyed with the number 21, you add the 2 + 1 to get 3. Now, here's a brief lesson on the meanings of the numbers 1 through 9.
One- Represents a beginning, action, independence, creativity, possibilities.
(Think of the Fool in the tarot deck)
Two- Duality and balance. Harmony and intuition.
Three- The Trinity; Subconscious, mind and imagination, creation.
Four- Order, logic, practicality, loyal, steadfast, responsible.
Five- Change, exploration, freedom, knowledge-seeker, imagination, playful and child-like.
Six- Harmony, love, healing, order, duty.
Seven- Philosopher, deep thinker, stoic, introspective, esoteric.
Eight- Abundance, acheivement, success, authority, grandeur, material manifestation.
Nine- Completion, endings, selfless, romantic, loving, idealistic.
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 6/15/2010 09:02:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: numerology
Monday, June 14, 2010
Learning Tarot- The World (LAST OF THE MAJOR ARCANA)
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 6/14/2010 02:27:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Allister Crowley Thoth Tarot, Twenty one, World Spirit Tarot
Learning Tarot- Judgement
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 6/14/2010 02:21:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Arto Tarot, Judgement, Twenty
Learning Tarot- The Sun
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 6/14/2010 02:15:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Mystic Dreamer Tarot, Nineteen, Sun
Learning Tarot- The Moon
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 6/14/2010 01:45:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Eighteen, Legacy of the Devine Tarot, Moon
Learning Tarot- The Star
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 6/14/2010 01:39:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Cruel Thing Tarot, Seventeen, Star
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Learning Tarot- The Tower
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 6/13/2010 08:51:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Italian Tarot, Sixteen, Tower
Learning Tarot- The Devil
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 6/13/2010 08:33:00 PM 0 comments
Learning Tarot- Temperance
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 6/13/2010 08:11:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Fourteen, Tarot of Dreams, Temperance
Learning Tarot- Death
This card represents closure of the old with the new to come soon. The card signifies transformation, a possible total change, and renewal. The Death card reminds us that things change and that change is natural and necessary as a part of the cycle of life but requires major transformation.
Reversed, the card is indicative of stagnation, stalemates, upheaval, complications, road blocks. This means the future is delayed because you're not moving forward. A new direction and start is coming.
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 6/13/2010 08:01:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Aercheon Tarot, Death, Thirteen
Learning Tarot- The Hanged Man
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 6/13/2010 06:28:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: The Hanged Man, Twelve, World Spirit Tarot
Learning Tarot- Justice
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 6/13/2010 06:17:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Eleven, Justice, Victorian Romantic Tarot
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Learning Tarot- Wheel of Fortune
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 6/12/2010 08:05:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Pen Tarot, Ten, Wheel of Fortune
Learning Tarot- The Hermit
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 6/12/2010 08:00:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Hermit, Nine, Tarot de Marseilles
Learning Tarot- Strength
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 6/12/2010 07:55:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Eight, Strength, Tarot of Dreams
Learning Tarot- The Chariot
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 6/12/2010 07:50:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Seven, The Chariot, Touchstone Tarot
Learning Tarot- The Lovers
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 6/12/2010 07:39:00 PM 0 comments
Learning Tarot- The Hierophant
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 6/12/2010 02:44:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Bohemian Gothic Tarot, five, Hierophant
Learning Tarot- The Emperor
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 6/12/2010 11:19:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Learning Tarot- The Empress
Reveresed, she is quite uncomfortable. Almost earthbound, her scepter is of no use, it is of no power. The lesson is one of poverty or lack of security.
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 5/30/2010 12:54:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 28, 2010
Learning Tarot- The High Priestess
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 5/28/2010 08:34:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: High Priestess, learn tarot, tarot
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Learning Tarot- The Magician
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 5/27/2010 08:16:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Golden Tarot, learn tarot, tarot, The Magician
Learning Tarot- Card 0, The Fool
Reveresed- Be cautious of fool-hearty choices, impulsiveness, and wrecklessness.
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 5/27/2010 03:37:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: fool, learn tarot, major arcana, tarot
Learning Tarot
Before I get into the actual cards and their meanings, I want to give some basic background that will help in understanding tarot cards. It's important to remember that no two people will read tarot the same way or even divine the same meaning. Reading tarot is largely intuitive, look at the card, study what's in it (thrones, pets, other objects) and piece it together with the other cards in the reading, the question, the querant, and the situation.
- There are 78 cards in a standard tarot deck
- These 78 cards are broken down into the major arcana and minor arcana
- "Arcana" means, "profound secret"
- The major arcana consists of 22 cards that represent archetypes, or personalities of individuals
- The major arcana are numbered, or "keyed" 0-21, beginning with the Fool and ending with the world
- A major arcana card always trumps a minor arcana card
- The minor arcana consists of 56 cards divided into four suits
- The four suits of the minor arcana are: Wands, Cups, Swords, Pentacles
- Each of these four suits are also numbered ace through ten and additionally have four "court cards", King, Queen, Knight, and Page
- The minor arcana represent themes in life
- Wands represent confidence, action, risk-taking, movement, and enthusiasm.
- Cups represent inner states, feelings, emotions, spiritual experiences, and relationship patterns
- Swords represent reason, thought, intellect, ethical principals, justice and truth
- Pentacles represent practical and material matters, security, as well as prosperity.
- Each suit represents an element: Wands = Fire; Cups = Water; Swords= Air; Pentacles = Earth
- Ace cards always represent a positive force and the theme of the suit.
- The number ten card is like the world, it is the completion card, it is everything found
- The King is a mautre, wise, resposible man. He is strong, assertive, and direct. Think masculine all the way
- The Queen is also mature but is the feminine side to the King. She embodies an inward focus, she is relaxed, and is more concerned with enjoying the world around her than final results.
- The Knight is a fool-hardy person, young, immature, not grown in the ways of the world. Emotional extremes and excess are his downfalls but he is also sincere and full of energy.
- The Page is like a playful tot. Whatever suit he's in, he acts out those qualities with abandoment and joy, not a care in the world as to consequences. He represents adventure and possibilities, all the excitement of a child's dreams.
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 5/27/2010 05:51:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Do Your Expectations Set You Up for Failure?
As we age, we become (hopefully) more self-aware. This includes awareness of ourselves and others. We learn what we like in a person and what we cannot stand. We learn that the person that chews with their mouth wide open on the first date just will not lead to a second date. But do we set our expectations so high, so out of reach, so beyond reality, that we doom ourselves to failure?
Sometimes we may need to evaluate that question and find out if it is part of the problem in why we remain single. This is not the equivelant to settling. It is looking realistically at where we are in our own lives and what we therefore can expect from and in others. Do not lessen your standards, but write them down and size them up with the chance of reality, with the chance of you actualizing them. Perhaps instead of lessening our standards, we simply need to readjust them,
Be mindfull to have a list of what is acceptable and what is not, ie: rude behavior is not okay, good manners are, but also be aware of the limits you place on who you could meet the longer your list of "must haves" is.
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 5/26/2010 08:01:00 PM 0 comments
Placing Limits on Your Happiness
Everyday I encounter individuals who tell me they can never be happy unless they have a, b, c, and d in their lives. It is my goal to explain that one first has to find happiness with one's self and that a, b, c, and d are merely enhancements to the happiness one already has.
If you keep telling yourself you will not be happy until you reach a certain weight, obtain a certain job, find the "perfect match", you are placing limits on your happiness and it is little wonder you are not happy or content with your life. Now, discontent can serve its' purpose, as a catalyst to take decisive, positive action that leads to one obtaining what they want in their lives. But all too often, the reverse is true and there is an unhealthy fixation on what one has to have to be happy. With that mindset, it is not likely you will be happy, no matter what comes into your life, nor that you will even recognize the gifts you've wanted when they present themselves to you.
Do not put conditions on your happiness. Rather, focus on ways to bring more happiness into your life.
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 5/26/2010 06:22:00 AM 0 comments
Name Change
Hi Readers!
While I'm still Judith Kreindel (Universe didn't change me overnight LOL), I have chosen a new name on LivePerson and you may see it here too. The new name is "The Lady of the Mists" and I can be found here:
I was just feeling the need for a real shake-up change. I hope it rings as spiritually true with you as it does with me.
God/Goddess Bless!
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 5/26/2010 05:24:00 AM 0 comments
Mindfullness is a state of being where you are acutely aware of all that happens to you, each experience, as well as those around you. Practicing mindfulness is quite simple and can improve your life, your inner peace, and your relationships with others. (Relationships meaning connections with others, be they lovers or co-workers or acquaintances.)
Living with a spirit of mindfulness means you do take time to breathe through your nose and exhale through your mouth. You take in all of that which is around you and with this breathing, you are able to shut out the negative energy that may be present, may have hijacked your mood, and may be affecting you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
See, with a mindful approach to life, you do not block out the negative, you learn a new way to approach it. You learn how to approach those around you to lessen conflict and tension and build bridges for healthy, conducive exchanges. In doing so, you pass some of this mindfulness on to the other who notices your behavior, and in doing so, you have given them a gift.
Try living mindfully today, aware of sights, sounds, smells, textures, people, and places around you. It will lighten your load of stress and it will help those around you "suddenly" calm down also.
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 5/26/2010 05:07:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Get With the Real World...
Hi fellow readers! I want to warn you beforehand that the following post is going to be much more harsh and "real" than I usually am.
Most people want too much without wanting to put in the efffort. That's the absolute, 100% truth. "I want to find someone who really loves and cares for me and that I can marry and be happy with the rest of my life." There are so many problems with this statement that I'm not sure where to begin but it is almost always certainly followed or preceeded by, "I've been through so many relationships, given so much, and always get used!" Now, to be sure, sometimes this is true. But it cannot always be true in all of your relationships. Did you expect too much out of the gate? Did you expect things from a person who wasn't capable of giving them? (Did you size this person up and evaluate what they're really capable of?) Did you have unrealistic and needy expectations from/of this person? I can almost guarantee you, the answer is "yes". You know, the saying, "You have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince" is true. There are many, many people out there but few we are compatible with.
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 5/16/2010 04:42:00 PM 1 comments
Monday, April 26, 2010
Hollywood and Story Books Lied- Why Am I Single?
If you are looking for Mr. Right, your perfect man, the "dream life", STOP. You are wasting precious time and resources on something that will not be. There are no real life Prince Charmings because just like you, the man you want to meet has faults. Life is not a Hollywood script, so do not discount an otherwise good person based on the fact they do not say the perfect thing at the perfect time. This is not Jerry Maguire, this is real life. Often times we remain single because our list of expectations becomes longer and longer as we age (and in some respects, it should) and because we begin to shrink our social circle. UPS will not deliver Mr. Right to your door via FedEx by 10:30am, you have to get out there. And if you want to find like-minded people, you need to join in activities and social circles where you're likely to find that.
If you are in a relationship or in the blossoming phases of one and experiencing "difficulties" such as a sudden withdrawal by the other person, do not always jump to the conclusion that it is because of you. Even if you are the center of someone's universe, they do have other responsibilities, other things that weigh on them. It may be the simple fact they're the type that needs time to themselves. It may be that you are expecting things to move along at freight train speed when the relationship wants to take a different pace, a pace of its' own. Do not always assume relationship problems are because of you, remember, there's not only another person in this relationship, there's also other people in the world.
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 4/26/2010 07:02:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Dr. Seuess Had It Right....
My youngest child is fascinated by the book, Oh! The Places You'll Go! and in this book, so much wisdom can be found, especially for those of you who are in what Dr. Seuess calls, The Waiting Place. Granted, it is not a fun place to be, I do not know of many who like to be there, and waiting out The Waiting Place can take anywhere from a few hours to a few years. Yes, years. Sometimes things take years to get them where you want them to be. Two key things The Waiting Place always requires are patience and a willingness to focus and work on other things (or sometimes that particular goal) while you are there. Remember, even if you are not working on the specific thing you are caught up in The Waiting Place for, there is always something you can be doing to enrich, improve, to better your life be it financially, emotionally, or spiritually.
I am often met by clients who are frustrated that their desires/issues cannot or will not be fixed in a short period of time, usually meaning a few days. First, remember that most situations or issues did not develop in a few days (even if they were suddenly sprung upon you) and rarely can they be fixed in that amount of time. Do not be unrealistic about how long it takes to resolve a matter. Also, do not invest fruitless effort(s) into things/people/places that are not healthy for you. While in that place of waiting, evaluate, truly evaluate, from a removed perspective, the usefulness of that thing or person you are waiting on and be honest with yourself: is it worth the waiting, the time invest by you, the investment of effort by you? The most essential lessons you can take from this are, one: psychics are not the answer to all your problems. Visiting us does not mean your problems will be solved and certainly not instantly. We simply offer you a view of the future based on a snippet you give us. Secondly, there are times you will be in The Waiting Place. Accept that in this "on demand world", "waiting is something you'll do quite a lot" (Dr. Seuss, Oh The Places You'll Go)
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 4/25/2010 08:22:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Being the "other" Person
Being in a proverbial "love triangle" is a complicated situation. There are many reasons people cheat and choose to cheat with people they know are married. Those reasons can range from lust to feeling a true connection with that person. However, all too often, the "third wheel" is left waiting, hoping, clinging to the "some day" that will never come.
After doing some reading on this subject from some wise people, I have come to conclude the "why" of a person choosing someone already taken. I proffer that it is usually because a) they either lack self-esteem and feel this is more of a "safe relationship" (if you can call it a relationship) or b) they are actually afraid of a real relationship, real committment, their real dream, even though they will tell you they want the whole nine yards: marriage, bliss, sometimes kids, the perfect home, with the perfect man.
Without judging why people cheat on their spouses, for one, the person is not so perfect if they are inclined to cheat. Secondly, with rare exception, you can bet if this person ever left their spouse for you, they would still have roaming, wondering eye. Which leads me to the most important piece of this article, the waiting game. Promises of leaving, plans made, the third person believes it is all hammered out. The other spouse is a shrew or horrible man, the divorce papers are pending and/or signed, all that is left is for things to be finalized.
The problem is days stretch into weeks, weeks stretch into months, and months stretch into years and yet you still hold onto the illusion of being with this "perfect" person. Now, having read all of this, step back, examine this person. Are they really so perfect? Are they really for you? What about the time you could have been open to someone kind, loving, caring, reading for a serious committment that was available to be yours.
Consider also the collateral fallout. What about the spouse, that husband or wife who is being betrayed, being cheated on. Are they really as bad as the person paints them to be? Even if you have witnessed them in action, you have only glimpsed a small part of who they are. Do you really think it likely the cheating spouse is going to say, "Oh yes, my spouse is the perfect person! That's why I'm here with you. What about children, relatives, jobs, homes and mortgages, debts, all of these things that you turn butt over tea kettle by being the "other person".
Bottom line, until that spouse is free, they are not yours to have and the real truth behind being the third person is this: You are likely to always to be second fiddle, you have no right to expect to be first. That means you have no right to be angry over missed "dates", phone calls, unreturned texts, e-mails, etc because you are just that, no matter what they say, you are second fiddle and their spouse, children, families, jobs, etc are all before you.
If you want a real relationship, stop chasing the gold at the end of the rainbow, those leprauchons are sneaky buggers. If you are afraid to be truly available, to be in a real relationship, carry on, but remember the very real possible consequences for some people whom you have probably never met. Evaluate your station in this person's life. Honest step back and evaluate the chances of you ever becoming that person's spouse. Then ask yourself, "Knowing what I know, would I really want to be their spouse?" If you ever did become their spouse, think of the train wreck of baggage from what you helped destroy you would be carrying along with you.
If you are the third person, this is not meant to guilt you. It is meant to cause you to stop and think. What is the reality of the situation? Helen Keller once said, People do not like to think. If one thinks, one must reach conclusions. Conclusions are not always pleasant. When you stop and truly step back and examine your situation, what real conclusions do you draw?
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 4/17/2010 08:19:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Following up on the previous post
A felllow psychic and quite insightful lady, Azzrian Visions shared this and I thought it was a good follow-up/add on to my previous blog entry.
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 3/20/2010 08:34:00 AM 1 comments
Friday, March 19, 2010
Patience and the Art of Waiting
“Patience is the companion of wisdom.”Leo Tolstoy
“He that can have Patience, can have what he will”
It's a fact: we live in a fast food, on-demand, right here, right now, society.
This makes it difficult when there are times we have to wait, when the answers or solutions are not immediate. But we must remember our lives are not a McDonald's Drive-thru, our lives are, well, to state the obvious, our lives. I'm sure we've all heard as a child from an elder or our parents, "anything worth having is worth waiting for", well, there's a lot of truth to that adage. The best things in life are usually hardly obtained in an instant, they are obtained through hard work, patience, and non-passively waiting.
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 3/19/2010 09:04:00 AM 1 comments
Monday, March 15, 2010
GORGED ON A FAST FOOD WORLD- Visiting a Psychic-NOT the magic pill for what ails you
There seems to be a broad and wide-spread misconception amongst many who visit a psychic(s). It's the same misconception that some who believe in prayer as the answer to their problems. This myth, which runs deep and is wide-spread, must be debunked.
Visiting a psychic (or even praying) is not a magic panacea for what ails you. Be it problems in love, relationships (all-family and love), finances, and/or career, simply visiting a psychic will not cure your problems. Psychics are not god, nor are they magic wand wavers.
We have (in developed nations) come to gorge ourselves on a "fast food lifestyle" and we want everything instantly, all with minimal to no work at all involved. And sadly, the world is turning out inventions that make this type of lifestyle easier and more obtainable every day.
When you visit a psychic, you should stand clear that the psychic is not going to and is not able to solve your problems. Simply speaking with one will not make your life magically better. A psychic reading can provide you with guidance, insight, a different perspective, and some compassionate guidance, even perhaps, some ideas or suggestions of solutions to your problem(s). BUT you must, absoltely must, put in the necessary efforts to get where you want to be. Yes, work on your part is required. A winning combination you can get from your psychic is to be prepared to work out a plan of action together and then actually follow through and do those things. But never expect to do nothing and never expect results to be quick, sometimes things take days, weeks, months, or even years to pan out.
~I do not know anyone who has gotten to the top without hard work. That is the recipe. It will not always get you to the top, but it will get you pretty near. ~ Margaret Thatcher
~I'm a great believer in luck and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it. ~ Thomas Jefferson
~ You'll never succeed in idealizing hard work. Before you can dig mother earth you've got to take off your ideal jacket. The harder a man works, at brute labor, the thinner becomes his idealism, the darker his mind. ~
D.H. Lawrence
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 3/15/2010 08:47:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Blame Hallmark
Valentine's Day is fast approaching and for a psychic, that means a lot of lonely, hurting, and sometimes desperate people seeking readings on their love lives and more often than not, their lack of one. I'm going to insert some pretty blunt truths here but also offer some compassion and some views on being alone that, if this day is dreaded and/or difficult for you, a little bit easier.
First of all, blame Hallmark. Blame the diamond commercials, blame the chocolates and restaurant commercials. These play a huge part into why a day that is really no different than any other, suddenly becomes a huge focus in our lives. These companies, with their snazzy advertising, somehow cause us to feel less if we don't have someone in our lives. Well first, stop! Take the power back. Don't let Hallmark, Godiva, Zales, or Outback Steakhouse make you feel less because your alone this day of the year. The truth is you were alone before February 14th and you may be alone, possibly for quite some time, after February 14th. Stop making your focus this day, even though you're bombarded by it in the stores, on the radio, and on the television, YOU have the power to decide the importance of this day, not huge conglomerates. Remember these commericals also idealize and spin a "fairy tale" on the day. Real life just isn't like what they show, even in the best of relationships.
Second, remember, "all things in due time". This may not be your time to be with someone. If you've been single for quite sometime and are thinking, "yeah, but it's never my time. Re-think. A lot of times we expect that God or some other entity in the universe is going to drop someone on our doorstep via FedEx. That only happens in the movies. It just may not be your place, in your life, at this time, to be in a relationship. Celebrate this because you don't want to be in one at the wrong time and have all the wrong things to work out. Also, consider your lifestyle. Is it one that allows you to interact with a range of new people so you have a chance of meeting Mr. or Mrs. Right?
Third, while you're alone, learn to celebrate that! Think of it as celebrate the "art" of being alone. Remember, relationships are a lol of work. Also, remember that being alone gives you time to work on you which may be the whole reason the universe wants you to be alone right now anyway, it knows that you have not worked on certain aspects of yourself and these need to be worked out first.
Finally, because so many people ask about "soul mates" or "twin flames" on this day, see my follow up posts on these matters. Soul mate connections are the hardest and most difficult you will ever endure. They will put your life and your faith through the ringer, they are no Cinderella story.
My final message here: Take the power back, stop allowing one day of the year to control so much of your month in February, stop allowing it to take over your emotions, your body, your thoughts. It's one day and many, many people in this world are alone and the many people in relationships don't live out a life like what the television shows you Valentine's Day should be like.
Love and light to you all!
Posted by Lady of the Mists--Live Person Advice Expert at 2/03/2010 06:09:00 AM 3 comments