Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ghosts and Entities

If you've seen the movie, Fragile, you'll hear a theory about ghosts that has long rang true with me.  The movie explains that ghosts stay near what they love, it doesn't have to be where they lived or who they lived around, though it can be.  A ghost may take up residence because a place reminds them of a place they loved in life. They may stay near a person because that person resembles or represents what they loved in life. Say a person loved children in life. Perhaps they will take up residence in an nursery and be near that child until they grow up. Perhaps they loved gardens and will make their home in your beautiful garden.

If you believe a ghost may be near you or in a place you frequent, check out the banner on this blog to your right.  Post your question there along with a picture of the person or place you're inquiring about. You'll receive 100% free, no strings attached, readings.